Green lentils from Puy with Haddock

preparation of recipe
Place your haddock in a dish, cover with water and milk, and let it desalinate for at least 1 hour. Meanwhile, prepare your lentils.
Pour your lentils into a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 10 minutes. After this time, drain them and refresh them under cold water.
Brown your smoked bacon with a tablespoon of oil, add the garlic cloves, then pour in your lentils, mix well and pour in the 5 cl of white wine. Cover with water (just above the lentils) and cook for 20 minutes.
Prepare your haddock, rinse it well under a trickle of water, then remove the skin (it comes off without any problem). I forgot to specify, pass your hand over the haddock, and eventually remove the bones, it is rare that there are any. Then cut the haddock into strips.
Place the haddock strips on the lentils for 5 minutes. This is enough to cook them.
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