Corporate FAQ2022-09-22T21:39:29+01:00
How can you recognize a field of Green PUY Lentils?2022-09-22T21:43:23+01:00

The green lentil field of Le Puy is difficult to recognize for the untrained eye. With plants of 30 to 40 cm, the green duckweed remains discreet in the fields.

You can recognize it in May – June with its small white flowers.

How does soil composition influence lentil growth?2022-09-22T21:43:22+01:00

In the appellation area, the clay, phosphoric anhydride and magnesium oxide contents as well as the pH are on average much higher than in the rest of the department. It is on this type of soil that gives the best results. The soil is richer and has better structures. It dries better in the spring. In the production area, we note a predominance of soils of volcanic origin with a pH always between 6 and 7.

What is the (chemical) composition of A.O.P. soil?2022-09-22T21:43:25+01:00

80% of the PDO area is made up of volcanic soils, around 10% of granitic soils and the same for clay-limestone soils

What is the family of the lens? What is the classification of the Lens?2022-09-22T21:43:25+01:00

We can classify lentils in five species Lens lenticula alef: plant of the Mediterranean regions – Lens Hotschyana Alef, plant of Mesopotamia – Lens nigricans Godr, plant of the Mediterranean regions – Lens Orientales Maud – Mazz, plant of Asia Minor and Central Asia – Lens esculenta Moench, cultivated plant, widespread in the world and divided into two subspecies: macrosperma and microsperma.

Among the microsperma, we shall retain the Puy lentil (lens esculenta puyensis bar). Since 1935, the green puy lentil has benefited from an Appelation d’Origine in accordance with the law of May 6, 1919. In 1996, the Green PUY Lentil obtained the AOC and in 2009 the European PDO.

What is the average yield of a hectare of lentils? What about its selling price from the producer?2022-09-22T21:43:24+01:00

Note that on a lentil plant there are xx pods and that in each pod there are only 2 lentils.

The average yield is 700kg per hectare at a price of around 2000€ per ton with 0% waste.

What is the Latin name of the lentil?2022-09-22T21:43:24+01:00

lens esculenta puyensis

Is it possible to visit a lentil “factory” in Le Puy? Possibly with tasting?2022-09-22T21:43:23+01:00

A visit to a factory is impossible today with the health and safety standards that they must respect for the good progress of their productions.

Soon, you will be able to visit a museum about the green lentil of Le Puy in the city center…

On the other hand, it is quite possible to visit a farm. Some farmers offer products based on green Puy lentils.

To taste the Green PUY Lentil in all its forms, from salty to sweet, we advise you to taste it in one of our restaurants.

How long has the Green PUY Lentil been grown in the Haute-Loire?2022-09-22T21:43:22+01:00

Several ancient writings and archeological discoveries make the presence of the Green PUY Lentil go back more than 2000 years. The presence of lentils in an earthenware vase found in the Gallo-Roman remains at Saint-Paulien (Ruessium), the former capital of Velay (Civitas Vellavorum), attests to this.

For more information, please visit our page a little history

In how many communes is the Green PUY Lentil protected designation of origin ?2022-09-22T21:43:21+01:00

The specifications of the INAO (National Institute of Origin and Quality) are very strict. The Green PUY Lentil is produced in only 87 communes all located in the Haute-Loire.

How do you grow a lentil?2022-09-22T21:43:20+01:00
  • It is an annual plant, that is to say it must be sown every year.
  • Sowing is done from March to April when the soil temperature is 5° with the variety ANICIA
  • Sowing is done in rows 15 to 20 cm apart and 2 to 3 cm deep.
  • No fertilizer is used, as the PDO specifications forbid it. The Vellave soil is rich enough to cover the needs of the Green PUY Lentil.
  • A lentil plant is between 20 and 70 cm high.
  • At the flowering (June), you will be able to observe pretty small white flowers
  • Harvesting is generally done from July 20 to September 15 depending on the weather.
  • The majority of the green lentil fields in Le Puy are located between 600 m and 1200 m altitude.


La Lentille Verte du Puy, 1ère légumineuse européenne à avoir obtenu une AOP, véritable fierté culinaire de la région Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne. Protéine végétale avec de nombreuses qualités nutritives inégalées, exportée dans plus de 70 pays, la Lentille Verte du Puy est une fierté pour toute une filière agronome.

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